双师教学 Co-teaching Education Project

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“双师教学”- 推动中国教育升级的重要途径

“Co-Teaching Education Project” – An Important Way to Promote the Upgrading of Chinese Education

“双师教学”就是把与教材配套的特级教师上课的录像在课堂播放,当地现场老师负责维护课堂秩序,引导学生讨论,对难点、重点进行答疑讲解、批改学生作业。为了推动“双师教学”在云南的试点,云南少数民族希望工程执行主席瞿嘉东先生、副主席林佐华博士和秘书长王丽军女士亲自前往云南玉龙纳西族自治县,与当地教育局领导、 校长和教育专家们进行交流讨论,他们先后实地考察了玉龙县第一中学和玉龙县中学,最后与玉龙县教育局商定在当地3所小学和2所初中一共选了10个实验班自 2016年9月份开始开展“双师教学”试点工作,并由云南少数民族希望工程资助实施试点所需的软硬 件以及教师培训费用,2019年扩大到122个班级。 试点工作自实施以来深受教育 局和实验学校领导以及实验班 师生的欢迎。教育局和实验学校的领导认为,这一模式是对传统教学的创新,它抓住了课堂教学这一教育的根本,把国内最优质的教师资源引入到乡村学校和一般学校,实现了优质教育资源的共享,是推动教育公平的有效途径,而且这一模式一定会极大地提高玉龙县中小学乃至整个国家中小学的教育质量。

“Co-teaching Education Project” is to support the teaching materials with special class video recording in the classroom, the local on-site teacher is responsible for maintaining classroom order, and guide students to discuss, the diffculty, focus on answering questions, marking student work. “Co-teaching” pilot in Yunnan, Yunnan Project Hope for the Minorities, Executive Chairman Mr. Jiadong Qu Vice Chairman Dr. Zuohua Lin and Secretary-General Ms. Lijun Wang went to Yunnan YulongNaxi Autonomous Country, with the local three primary schools and two junior high school selected a total of 10 experimental classes since September 2016 began to carry out the Yulong County Middle School, Co-teaching pilot work, and by the Yunnan Project Hope for the Minorities founded the implementation of the pilot hardware and software and teacher training costs and 2019 expanded to 122 classes. Since the implementation of the experimental work by the Education Bureau and the experimental school leaders and experimental class teachers and students welcome. EDB and the experimental school leaders believe that this model is the innovation of traditional teaching, which seized the classroom teaching the fundamental, the quality of the domestic teacher resources into the rural schools and general schools, to achieve quality education sharing of resources is an effective way to promote fair education, and this model will greatly enhance the primary and secondary schools in Yulong County as well as the national quality of primary and secondary education.