致谢 Acknowledgement

Home / 致谢 Acknowledgement


我们特此再次地向“云南少数民族希望工程” 二十三年来对本机构慷慨捐助,鼎力支持的大大小小 捐助者致予挚诚的感谢。本机构为方便更多富有爱心 人士参与,采用了每年一次小款额筹捐的方式来筹款, 二十三年积累之下,捐款人数不下千人,若要在此刊 登全部捐款人芳名,一来要冒遗漏之险,二来这实非 本区区手册所能应付。故在此只能向所有捐助者作概 括的致谢。不敬之处尚祈见谅。

有极少数赞助人在本机构的诞生,以及在它面临 着巨大困难或危机等重大情况下,做出了不寻常的奉 献和支持,本机构感激之余,特此公布其芳名于下:

We gratefully acknowledge here each and every one of our generous and loyal supporters whose contribution has supported and nurtured Yunnan Project Hope to what it is today. However, we are unable to name them all in this binder. Our systerm of annual donation of a asmaller amount by individuals and organizations over the past 23 years would result in thousand of names. Such a large list not only would be dif cult for this small binder to accommodate but it runs the risk of some names being left out.

However, some individuals and organizations have played such a critical role in the origin and growth of YPH that they need special mentioning here, even though a few of them are no longer with us.They are:


马来西亚和新加坡 Malaysia & Singapore

Hew Choy Kean 丘才杈 (deceased) ;

Hew Choy Kon 丘才干 ;

Hew Thye Yew 丘泰有 ;

Loh Yuen Thong 罗润棠 ;

Hew Choy Kon 丘才江 ;

The Toh Kian Chui Foundation 卓建水基金会 ;


香港 Hong Kong

Raymond So 苏礼木 ;

Henri Ho 何添贵 ;

Cathy Wong 黄丽芬 ;

Victor Yung 翁夏谷 ;


美国 USA

Ellie Cohan 孔爱礼 ;

Edward Yang 杨文庆 ;


加拿大 Canada

Dr. & Mrs. Shinmen Liu 刘兴铭夫妇 ;

Mr. & Mrs. Loi Khuu 叶来正夫妇 ;

Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Young 杨瑞麟夫妇 ;

Mr. & Mrs. Matt Yeung 杨志坚夫妇 ;

Ed Buller & Ellie Handford ;

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Leung 量梁华山夫妇 ;

Robert & Tina Chan 陈德斌夫妇 ;

Don & Maryanne Lepper ;


Leaders of funding raising groups/clubs 亲友筹款会负责人:

“Fraends of San Francisco”: James & Melinda Hsue ;

“Tai You Club” Taipei: Harry Chuang 庄忠正,Jerry Ha 哈思会;

“Friends of Bibiana Yee, Canada”: Bibiana Yee 陈惠然;

“Friends of Albert Lee, Canada”: Albert Lee 李柏诚 ;


School/Dormitoried builders 学校/宿舍捐建人芳名:

They have been listed in school building colument ; 请参阅希望学校捐建栏;