爱心感言 Recollections

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Co-Fonder-Choy Len Hew

古语云:“老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。”“云南希望工程”是 要去“育吾幼以及边陲地区苦难同胞之幼。” 我的爱人杨爱芳和我很荣幸的在 1995 年在云南昆明的“云南民族学院”担 任外教时开创了“云南希望工程”。不知不觉我们已经为这机构义务性的服 务了十五年之久。在这漫长的十五年间,承蒙许许多多富有爱心的亲友的热 心,忠诚的捐助和支持,“云南希望工程”能一年比一年的茁壮起来,项目 的活动范围,从云南昆明一个点而扩展到云南省的一些县市,如金平、澜沧、 丽江、香格里拉等县,获得各种形式经济支助的学生达每年三百多人次。希 望小学建造计划亦达到超出意料的成就,十五年来共建造了村寨希望小学 二十三所。总之,“云南希望工程”对祖国云南边陲地区少数民族教育作可 观的贡献,给许多贫困孩童带来了一个更好的明天。

To paraphrase a famous Chinese saying: One should care for other’s aged the way we care for our own aged; nurture other’s young the way we nurture our own young. Yunnan Project Hope aims to provide educational opportunities for the less fortunate fellow Chinese’s children (especially the female children) the way we provide for our own children. Hopefully, in doing so, a brighter to-tomorrow could be brought about for these needy children from the more remote parts of Yunnan Province, China.Over the last fteen years, thanks to the generosity of many loyal supporters, the Yunnan Project Hope was able to grow and to accomplish to beyond our wildest expectation. For example, we built 23 small village schools and dormitories, our nancial support programs give out nancial assistance every year an average of 300+ students.In order to discourage the old tradition of not sending girls to school, we reserve half of the awards to the female students to entice them to come. It is very heartening to see how our efforts have impacted local communities.As a result of our encouragement, some of the schools we built now have more female students than males. In a word, Yunnan Project Hope has made a signi cant contribution to the rural education in remote areas in Yunnan.


Ed Yang

孔子曰:“授之以鱼不如授之以渝”。我们兄弟姐妹 8 人,一起经历过两次动乱; 我们的家也被破坏过两次。但是我们的父母说过:“没有人可以把知识从你 的大脑中拿走”。如果没有教育,就没有我们每个人的今天。现在让我们一 起努力来帮助更多的孩子接受教育。通过教育,让更多的孩子有机会来实现 他们的“希望”。上天保佑!

Confucius once said: “Give a man a sh, he survives on day. Teach him how to sh, he will survive the rest of his life!” Our brothers and sisters, all eight of us, have gone through political turmoil twice. Our family wealth was destroyed twice. Our parents said:”Get an education, no one can take it away from your brain.”We all would not be where we are today without Education! Now we are “paying forward” to keep the wider privileged children. Let the children have an opportunity to ful ll their “Hope” through better education! God Bless!


Jiadong Qu


Each of us forward not more than three generations, are farmers born, can have today’s small achievements, thanks to step by step progressive education, children in the mountains want to come out to understand the outside world and change the fate, and only education can help achieve. Hope that more people to join the Yunnan Project Hope for the Minorities, or publicity, or participate in the annual itinerary, or donate a little mind, do charity is not necessarily the rich patent, focusing on participation. In the every manpower and conditions, to help those children in remote mountainous areas, so that the world will become more beautiful.


Tim Liu 

作为研究过宇宙几天的人,虽没搞出什么大名堂但悟出了一个信念:“人生 苦短,及时行乐,及时行善”。五月与嘉东,海生和小郭陪 Arthur 参跑大连 马拉松为希望工程筹款,现场上云南选手与云南观众一句 “我们云南人民、 我们云南山区的小朋友们感谢你们” 的话使我激动无比。这次云南行,每当 董胜总讲这句话时,我内心暖洋洋的,同时感慨万千。衷心感谢关心云南少 数民族地区教育发展、关心公益事业的兄弟姐妹们,大爱无疆!

As a study of the universe a few days of people, although not come up with any big name but realized a belief: “life is short, timely happiness, timely good.” In May, Jia Dong, Haisheng and Xiao Guo to accompany Arthur Senate Dalian Marathon for the hope that the project fundraising, the scene of the Yunnan players and the Yunnan audience “We are Yunnan people, we Yunnan mountain children thank you” words make me excited. This time Yunnan line, whenever Dong Sheng always say this sentence, my inner warm i would like to express my heart felt thanks for the education and development of the Yunnan Project Hope the brothers and sisters who care about the public welfare undertakings.


Joseph Lin 

从大美的九寨沟山上下来,看到大家的交流,非常感人!我也非常感谢嘉东 四年前将云南少数民族希望工程介绍给我,受他慈悲情怀的感染,我也在我 母亲的故乡广西老革命根据地凤山县设立了“美云教育基金”,从 2012 年 开始每年资助约 50 多名品学兼优的贫困学生。但去年受嘉东和 Tim 的邀请 参加了云南少数民族希望工程的丽江公益行后,我更为杨主席一家人 20 年 默默从事教育慈善的精神所感动,同时也感受到这个组织所从事工作的高尚 和伟大感谢杨主席、嘉东和 Tim 树立的榜样力量,很荣幸能和你们这样不 光见到自己,见到天地,还时时刻刻见到众生的朋友一起从事慈善事业!

From the great beauty of the Jiuzhaigou mountain down, see everyone’s exchange, very touching! I am also very grateful to Jia Dong four years ago to Yunnan Project Hope for the Minorities introduced to me, by his compassionate feelings of infection, i also in my mother’s hometown of Guangxi old revolutionary base in Fengshan County set up a “Meiyun eduction fund”, from 2012, more than 50 poor students are enrolled in the year. But last year by the invitation of Jia Dong and Tim participated in the Yunnan Project Hope of the Minorities Lijiang public welfare line, i moved for the spirit of education charity for 20 years, and also feel the organization engaged in the work of the noble and great. Thanks to Chairman Yang, Jia Dong and Tim set an example of the power, it is so honored and you can not see themselves, see the world, but also always see all the friends together to engage in charity!


Emily Fan 


Hello everyone, this is the Acting Secretary of the Yunnan line. First of all special thanks to my leadership Jiadong, he let me join to such a remarkable activity, want to say is love regardless of size, good things can start from small, i will always pay attention to the children of ethnic minority areas of Yunnan, let love pass on.

软通动力 美泉软通完小和幼儿园捐赠企业
iSoftStone, Donator of Rantong School and Kindergarten


It’s each enterprise’s responsibility and obligation to return society. As a socially responsible company, we will continue to participate in public welfare activities, such as Yunnan Project Hope, to contribute our own strength.Here, we call for more enterprises and organizations put the strength into this good project, also wishes these children could grow up healthy and get academic success.

谢乐儿 (美国) 鸣音落美波士顿见闻完小捐赠人
Lorraine Tse, US, Donator of the Sunshine School 


It said ‘Do not think any virtue trivial, and so neglect it’.No matter how great our strength, we are happy to do our part and to help others live better, it’s also to help myself live more happy. Let’s make our world a better place to live!

李健 鸣音洪门桂芳完小捐赠人
Li Jin, Donator of the Guifang 


I feel comfortable that i can do some help for the poor children, and do hope those poor children have a better life!

优集的同事们 头台优集完小捐赠人
Colleagues from EDS UG, Donator of the Toutai UG School


An ordinary high-tech software-UG/NX connected us together. Although when we join it with the different purpose, it’s important that we work for it ten years, twenty years or even longer. Through our best years of youth and experienced the market changing several times, it still did not change our dedicated heart – help poor children and help community. This year, we jointly donated RMB 400,000 (200,000 for the school rebuild, and put other 200,000 to the fund pool) to support Toutai UG School to improve the educational environment of school and enthusiasm of children education acceptance of the poverty-stricken areas. In the future, old and new colleagues of UG will pay attention to support education of poverty-stricken areas, and wish our country a better tomorrow.

Zhang Zhen, Hansom(Beijing) Company Donator of the TaiheHansheng School

希望丽江山区里能有更多的孩子走出家门、走出国门,为家乡和国家做出大 山里孩子的一份贡献!汉盛公司从事国际贸易和投资业务,也希望 10 年时 间里能有丽江汉盛完小学的孩子通过努力学习,到北京加盟汉盛,实现人生 理想,助推企业发展!

We hope more and more children from Lijian mountain area could go out of the house to study and go abroad, to make a contribution to the hometown and country! Hansom company is engaged in international trade and investment business, and also hope to be able to help the students of TaiheHansheng School in the future 10 years, and these children could achieve the ideal of life through the hard study and join Hansom in Beijing to boost enterprise development!

田亚丽 , 田永江完小捐赠人
Lilian Tian, Donator of the Tianyongjiang


It is a great pleasure that our company participates in a project, which helps the society to become faire and modern in the same time. We are sure that Yunnan Project Hope substantially improves chances of children from rural area. Diminishing any discrimination, such as those basing on gender or ethnic background will always nd support of WTL Design team. ”

David English,2011 年学校落成剪彩活动参加者  
David English, Thailand, visitor of 2011 eld trip


It was our pleasure and the kind of trip that money can’t buy.

By Barry Jackman, 澳大利亚开发商
Barry Jackman, Australia Real estate developer School


Just the smile on the children’s faces gives me an uplift in my spirits.