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Yunnan Project Hope for the Minorities

“云南少数民族希望工程”成立于 1994 年,是 一个在加拿大和美国 501C(3) 登记的非营利组织。 云南是中国少数民族种类最多的省份,全省少数民族 人口数量约 1540 万人。创始人丘才廉、杨爱芳夫妇 是加拿大退休教师,1995 年退休后在云南省民族学 院担任外教,对云南贫困山区少数民族孩童严重失学 和辍学的情况非常关注,他们不辞劳苦每年向亲友募 捐以及征询有意愿经济认养孩童上学的热心人士,帮 助这些失学和辍学的儿童。在两代人的努力下,从 1994 年至今的 23 年间,“云南少数民族希望工程” 不间断地在云南一共捐建了 40 所希望工程学校,捐 赠总金额超过 200 万美元,有 3000 多名少数民族学 生得到了资助。

此外,“云南少数民族希望工程”在公益方式上 也不断创新,2016 年在云南玉龙县成功开展“双师 教学”试点,为少数民族边远山区学校引入优质的教 育资源,经过一年多的试点,“双师教学”模式被云 南省教育厅作为成功经验在全省积极推广,玉龙县在 2016 年十个试点班的基础上又增加 74 个试点班。“云 南少数民族希望工程”现已成为活跃在云南最受尊重 的公益组织,除了各种爱心活动,每年 10 月,我们 还组织各界爱心人士参与云南教育公益行,让更多的 人参与到教育公益的事业中来,让更多的山区儿童成 为“知识改变命运,教育成就未来”的真正受益者。


“Yunnan Project Hope for the Minorities”, formed in 1994, is a non-profit organization registered in Canada, and also a non-profit 501C(3) corporation registered in US. Yunnan is the largest province of ethnic minorities in China. The number of ethnic minorities in the province is about 15.4 million. Normally minority citizens get less recognition and often their families do not send their kids, especially girls to school.

“Yunnan Project Hope for the Minorities” was founded by Cora and Len Hew. It started out as a family scholarship program supported by the Hew and Yang families, which quickly evolved into the “Yunnan Project Hope for the Minorities”. Cora and Len Hew are both retired teachers from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. After retiring in 1995, they took up teaching assignment at the “Yunnan Institute of Nationalities” in Kunming. Cora and Len were shocked by the overwhelming poverty of these remote rural areas. Many children, especially the girls, do not even get a chance to go to school.

In the fall of 1995, Cora and Len decided to do something to help and thus “Yunnan Project Hope for the Minorities” was started. Each year, they solicit donations and recruit nancial sponsors from amongst relatives and friends.

In the two generations efforts, from 1994 to the present, during the 23 years, “Yunnan Project Hope for the Minorities” uninterrupted in Yunnan altogether donated 40 primary schools, donated the total amount more than 2 million US dollars, more than 3000 minority students are funded. In addition, the “Yunnan Project Hope for the Minorities” in the public welfare ways are also innovative, in the Yulong County of Yunnan province, we successfully launched the “Co-teaching Education” program pilot for the minority mountainous schools to introduce high quality educational resources, after more than a year pilot, “Co-teaching Education” model was spread by the Yunnan Provincial Department of Education as a successful experience in the province. Meanwhile, in 2016, 10 pilot classes on the basis of an increase of 74 pilot classes in Yulong country. “Yunnan Project Hope for the Minorities” has become more active organization in Yunnan, and the most respected public welfare organization in Yunnan, in addition to a variety of caring activities, every year in October, we also organized who are good-hearted involved in the public welfare trip, so that more mountain children become “education makes tomorrow better,” the real beneficiaries.



“云南少数民族希望工程”( 以下简称“希望 工程”)是要在一种”育吾幼以及苦难少数民族同 胞之幼“的精神下,以同情、关怀的心态给云南省 边远贫困山区的少数民族失学孩童提供上学机会。

To provide better educational opportunities for the Yunnan minorities children in the remote areas.