2017云南少数民族希望工程十月云南行公益活动圆满成功2017 Yunnan Project Hope for the Minorities Oct Yunnan Activities Completed Successfully

Home / 最新动态 New Activity / 2017云南少数民族希望工程十月云南行公益活动圆满成功2017 Yunnan Project Hope for the Minorities Oct Yunnan Activities Completed Successfully

2017年10月26日,云南少数民族希望工程十月云南行公益活动在云南省丽江市玉龙县的白沙完小开始了,上午我们旁听了数学、语文、英语课,老师熟练的使用双师教学设备,看到孩子们都全神贯注的投入到学习中很是让人感动,像这样的双师教学设备今年我们资助了74个班级,受益人数达到4500人,未来我们还会继续扩大投资力度,引入优质教育资源,切实的提高教学质量,今年爱心人士袁立以自己两个孩子,袁楚峰和袁楚荣的名义捐赠2间双师教学教室,爱心人士蒋亚飞以孩子蒋大维名义捐赠一间双师教学班级,YPH荣誉理事长Ed Yang&执行理事长瞿嘉东也捐赠了一间双师教学班级,在这么多爱心人士的关心下,真心的希望祖国的花朵茁壮成长;下午我们驱车3小时赶往远在深山里的石鼓仁义徙凤完小,看望小朋友们,同时参加新校舍的竣工典礼,去年孩子们在危房里上课,爱心人士陈伟雄夫妇捐赠4.5万美金建设了新的校舍,再此看到小朋友们的时候他们还清晰的记得我们,告诉我们他们有新教室了,从孩子们的眼神中看得出他们对知识的渴望。越来越多的爱心人士加入到希望工程慈善事业当中,我们的队伍也越来越壮大了,希望爱心能够像火种一样传递下去,照亮每一位需要帮助孩子的心灵。On October 26, 2017, Yunnan Project Hope for the Minorities, October Yunnan Public Welfare Campaign started in Baisha, Yulong County, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province. In the morning we listened to math, Chinese and English lessons. The teacher was skilled at using Co-teaching equipment, it is touching to see that all the children devote themselves to learning. Like this, we have funded 74 classes and benefited 4,500 beneficiaries this year. In the future, we will continue to expand investment and introduce high quality Education resources, and effectively improve the quality of teaching. This year there are so many goodhearted people such as Yuan Li, donated two Co-teaching classrooms under his two children, Yuan Chufeng and Yuan Chu Rong and Jiang Yafei donated a Co-teaching class under his son’s name of Jiang Dawei. YPH Honorary chairman Edward Yang and Executive Chairman Qu Jiadong also donated a Co-teaching class together for commemorate old friend who passed away named James Tay. In the afternoon, we drove for 3 hours and go to the depths of the mountains to visit children there, while attending the completion of the new school building ceremony of Renyi Xifeng school, last year the child study in the poor classroom, goodhearted people Chen Weixiong couple donated 45,000 US dollars to build a new school building, this year when see the children they also clearly remember us, tell us that they have a new classroom, and from the children’s eyes we can feel their desire for knowledge. More and more caring people join the Yunnan Hope Project, and our team is also getting stronger and stronger. We hope that love can be passed on like a torch light up every soul that needs to help children.
白沙完小Baisha School

双师教学课堂教学场景Co-teaching Education scenes

白沙完小足球场合影Baisha School Football Photo Together

石鼓仁义徙凤完小竣工典礼Shigu Renyi Xifeng School Completed

石鼓完小,双师教学教室捐赠仪式Shigu School Co-teaching Classroom Donation Ceremony


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